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2019 Girls Bantam Update

Hello all,

I hope you have all had a great summer and an even better first couple weeks of school. We are so excited to get this Bantam season started we thought, “Hey why not start NEXT WEEK”. So get the dust off of those court shoes and let’s get going.

Here is a quick look at our schedule so far;

Tuesday September 3rd 5:00-6:30 workout @ Willowcreek

Wednesday September 4th 8:00pm Parent/Player meeting @Lehi High School

Tuesday September 10th, 17th, 24th 5:00-6:30 workouts @ Willowcreek

October 1st and 3rd 6:30-9:00 TRYOUTS!! @ Willowcreek.

More info to come.

Hope to see you all soon.

Lehi Girls Bantam Coaches.

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